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What to Consider When Onboarding Clients

Writer's picture: Julie DeLuccaJulie DeLucca

You just landed your first client; congratulations! That is a big deal because it means that you are taking a step in the right direction and seeing progress in your business. However, with clients comes responsibilities that may not be apparent right off the bat. Instead of trying to figure it out as you go, I suggest you review these components of onboarding clients and start getting a plan in place now.

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Creating Automations

Before any of the following, I want to highlight how vital it is to set up efficient automations. In case you are aware, there are countless automations you can create to streamline your business. We will mention some below, but I want to stress that taking the time to set up these automations now will save you countless hours later on.

How to Onboard More Clients

You’ve got your first client, yay! But how are you going to connect with your second? Attracting clients through whatever chosen means (social media, ads, newspapers, etc.) is excellent, but what happens when they are ready to sign up? How are they going to find and connect with you?

I highly recommend having a website set up with a contact page. Your contact page should have a calendar option where clients can easily make an appointment with you. If appointments aren't an option, you should at least have a contact form they can fill out to make their request.

While many businesses just leave up a phone number or email, that is one more step that your potential client will have to take that they may never get around to. Strike while the iron is hot and make it easy for them to connect with you.

Communicating with Clients & Setting Boundaries

Setting up Communication Methods

Communicating with clients is a two-step process. First, you need to determine how your clients will reach you. Is it email, phone calls, text messages, video chats, or an online chat platform like Slack? I recommend choosing one or two places where your clients can reach you and communicate that method with them right from the start. P.S. If you are using email, phone, or text, make sure to have a separate business version from your personal accounts.

Setting Boundaries

The second aspect of communicating with clients is setting clear expectations and boundaries. While it is lovely and expected to be there for your clients, you have the right to select specific work and communication times.

Personally, I recommend having specific communication times each day. If your clients email you, let them know when you check your emails and stick to it. I am serious about the whole stick to it thing, not just when you WILL do it, but also when you WON'T do it. If you check your emails at 9am and 4pm every day, then set a timer and do it then and ONLY then. Don't respond outside of those times.

Another example: If you don't want to work on Saturday, don't take meetings or answer client emails on Saturday. It sets an expectation that you will be available 24/7, and that is something that nobody wants.

P.s. Say you are working on Saturday or answering emails at 12, but you don’t want anyone to know, then just schedule the email. Most email programs allow you to respond to an email but set the time it goes out. You can utilize that function to stick to your schedule.

Delivering Products

Whether you sell virtual or physical products, you need to set up an automated ordering, payment, and delivery system. Say, for instance, you sell a workbook on your website. I recommend having an automated system where the shopper can click on the product, pay for it, get their email captured, and receive the product with no input from you.

If you have a physical product, the delivery may need your assistance, but you should have a system set up to notify you of all of the necessary information as soon as an order comes in. I use Funnel Streams for my website, products, and everything else, as it is an all-in-one easy to use platform.

Measuring Your Progress

Building a clientele, making sales, and gaining followers demonstrate that you are making headway. Still, it can be challenging to understand how far you have actually progressed if you don't have systems (yes, that word again) in place to measure your progress. I highly recommend setting up an automated tracking system that details how your business progresses each month, from sales numbers to Instagram followers.

Collecting Testimonials

Your clients are the bread and butter of your business, and their voices are the ones that will attract more customers. I cannot stress enough how critical it is to collect your customer’s testimonials about your services and products.

To do this, I suggest including review requests in all of your automated systems. Say they order an online product, send them an email a week later asking for their review on your website. Or, say they take your class, send them a request asking for reviews on Facebook.

Creating Super Fans

Your superfans are your key to success. Those clients who truly love your business, your product, and what you stand for will be the first to recommend you, the first to share your content, and the first to come back when you release something new.

These super fans are worth connecting with and building a strong relationship with. For more information on the importance of Super Fans, I highly recommend reading Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business by Pat Flynn. He is where I got this concept from, and his book is worth every penny.

Go Confidently with Onboarding New Clients

Onboarding new clients and growing your business can be intimidating…I get it; it's a lot of information and many lines on the checklist to do. Please reach out to me today for a complimentary Discovery Call if you need a guide to creating an easy and streamlined business backend.


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